Friday, October 07, 2011

v.5 >> A Woman's Needs Edit

A woman does not need

To know his size

Or of his seed

Over dinner and conversation;

Nor for him to gravel at her feet,

Wondering what he will

Of what’s beneath her sheath.

What a woman needs is

To know his eyes,

And if he’ll keep

Up with her in conversation;

Or if that feeling when they meet

Gives her special thrill

To pleasurably bequeath.

A woman does not need

The liquid of his

Talented tongue, tackling

Hasty and hard atop her own;

Followed by the feeling

Of his manly goods

Pressed and pulsating upon her.

What a woman needs is

The taking of his

Hand, happily holding

Lightly and lengthily with her own;

Followed by the feeling

Of her womanhood

Wildly warming within her.

A woman does not need

A drenching and dousing

Of alcohol and gasoline

Followed by a stricken match,

Brushed all too quickly

Betwixt her breast or on her ass

As if to hurry her to burst.

What a woman needs is

Confessing, announcing

That her beauty is obscene;

Followed by hands on her back,

His lips brushing slowly

Upon her mouth then on her neck,

Causing her to hunger and thirst.

A woman does not need, necessarily, a man

Who rides up on some noble steed, just because he can.

What a woman needs,

And what she desires,

Is a man who has


In the art of starting fires.

**Thanks, Jillian, for the point-of-view suggestion!

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